Tuscarora Hardwoods, Inc. is located in the Northern Appalachian Region of Central Pennsylvania, renown for its quality hardwood forests. We produce over 16 million board feet of green and kiln dried lumber annually and have a dry kiln capacity of 500,000 board feet.

Tuscarora Hardwoods takes pride in being a major supplier of the finest band sawn Northern Appalachian Hardwoods in Red Oak, White Oak, Ash, Poplar, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Cherry, Birch and many other Appalachian species in thicknesses ranging from 4/4 to 16/4.

Some of the many services Tuscarora Hardwoods provides are S2S, width sorting, length separations, end painting, container loading and export preparation. Tuscarora Hardwoods is also a large producer of export saw logs and veneer logs in all the major Appalachian species.

Tuscarora Hardwoods is strongly committed to the conservation and management of its renewable Appalachian resource, which is the key to our future for new products, services and increased demand. This in turn means more growth and a bright future for Tuscarora Hardwoods and its valued customers.

Allow us to supply you with the very finest hardwoods available.

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